Pastor’s Post

Oct 2017

We are pleased to announce that we have just upgraded our website.  We encourage you to browse the site and make use of the Bible based resources available. Our prayer is that our website will be a tool for the furtherance of the Gospel both here and abroad. Pastor S. Western...

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Oct 2017

One of the foundational doctrines we believe is clearly spelled out in the Scriptures is the doctrine of Eternal Security. By this we mean that the Word of God teaches us that once we enter into a relationship with God through saving faith, we can never lose our salvation. To put it simply, we believe “once saved, always saved.” There are many Scriptures that teach this truth. John 10:27-28 teach us that Christ’s sheep shall “never perish”. Ephesians 4:30 reminds us that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day......

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Oct 2017

NBC has welcomed three precious babies to our number over the course of the past few weeks. Witnessing the birth of a child is a heart-moving experience. As parents, you can’t help but feel the enormous weight of responsibility that comes with being accountable to raise a little life for the Lord. This week I have been meditating on the example of Moses’ parents, Amram and Jochebed. Can you imagine the odds they faced when Moses was born? Pharaoh, a hostile ruler, and the nation of Egypt, committed to destroying every infant......

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Oct 2017

When we open our Bible’s to First Samuel and begin to read, we find that things were at a low ebb spiritually at that time in the history of Israel. Deep spiritual darkness hung over the temple of God, the center of worship and the place of God’s manifest presence for the children of Israel. Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were abusing their sacred position in the temple for the sake of their own lusts, thus bringing disgrace upon the Name of God (2:13-17; 22). There was a famine of the Word......

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Oct 2017

This week I was blessed by reading this short booklet on how to be a fruitful church member by David Cloud. I would encourage you to read it with a teachable mind and ask the Lord to increase your fruitful as a member of your local church.You can access the ebook by clicking on the image below. Pastor Simeon Western...

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Oct 2017

One of the almost forgotten doctrines of Scripture is the doctrine of separation. As mentioned in a previous devotion, there are so many aspects to each doctrine in Scripture. There is a positional aspect to the doctrine of separation (that which God has done on our behalf). When we were saved, God mercifully snatched us out of the grasp of Satan and his kingdom of darkness and placed us into the kingdom of the dear Son of God (Col. 1:12-13). We were separated forever from this evil world and nothing can ever......

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Oct 2017

The Lord Jesus Christ is the very foundation of the Christian faith. “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1. Cor. 3:11). We all understand that a building will stand or fall depending on its foundation. It is no wonder then that Satan has so vehemently attacked the person of Christ down through the centuries. The world has a never ending stream of blasphemous suggestions concerning the character and conduct of Jesus Christ. As believers, it is imperative that we consistently remind ourselves about......

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Oct 2017

Below are links to two articles I have written on the subject of Open Air Preaching. They were published in two editions of Sharpened Arrows. I trust they will be a blessing to you as you seek to be a witness for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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Oct 2017

In last Sunday morning’s message, I read out a list of the Names and Titles of Christ. Here is a PDF with the list for those interested. Blessed be the precious Name of Jesus Christ our Saviour! Pastor S. Western The Names of Christ PDF...

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