In Sept 1982 we responded to a call from Sharon’s home church to start a church in Cardwell Nth Qld. In March 1983 we arrived and began a church planting pastoral ministry. Before and during the time we were serving in Cardwell the Lord was continuing to burden my heart for the work of evangelism. Together with my pastor and a small group of trusted friends we began to pray for the Lord to direct our steps.
In Sept 1984 I was ordained by the church in Ingham and in Oct ’84 we began evangelism outreach ministries in local churches across Australia. This ministry has also taken us to many other countries… PNG , New Caledonia, Canada, USA, Singapore, Malaysia, Fiji, New Zealand, Sth Africa, Zambia Tanzania and Mauritius.Our plan is continue to follow Gods leading for our lives as He leads and directs wherever that may be.
We have 4 children and 4 grandchildren.
My life verse is Rev 4:11. Sharon’s life verse is Phil 1:6