April 25, 2023
When Christians Disappear Gospel Tract
When Christians Disappear Rapture Tract (Digital version) (PDF) When Christians Disappear Rapture Tract (Print Version) PDF
April 08, 2023
New Tract – Are you ready to Die?
Are you ready to Die_PRINT (PDF) Are you ready to Die (Digital) (PDF)
May 14, 2021
Olivet Discourse
You may watch or listen to a four-part sermon series on the Olivet Discourse. Visit www.nbcadelaide.org.au/pastorspost or www.sermonaudio.com/nbcadelaide.
March 16, 2020
Revelation Sermon Series
In recent days we have witnessed the widespread disruption and panic in the world from the Corona virus outbreak but this is just a tiny drop in the bucket compared with what the Bible predicts...